Funerals at St. John's
The Burial of the Dead is the service appointed by the Episcopal church for commending the faithful departed, including a service in which the loved one’s remains have been disposed of before the service (what is commonly referred to as a memorial service).
The Funeral Director will need to contact the Rector to schedule a funeral or memorial at the church or at the graveside. The Rector will need to consult his schedule and the church schedule for the service date and time.
All services will be according to The Book of Common Prayer. A copy of the service is available if you need it. Music will be from the Episcopal Hymnal (other hymns may be permitted at the discretion of the minister) and accompanied by our Music Director, Ms. Melissa Adams.
Contact the Rector or the Church Office for more information on St. John's funeral practices and policies. Please click on the button below to download a copy of a Funeral Planning Guide and Worksheet. This worksheet should be filled out and reviewed regularly as wishes change through the years. A copy of this document should be put away with your valuable papers for those who might be taking care of your affairs. The church should hold a copy in their files as well if being buried from St. John's or by the Rector at St. John's at the time of death.
Burial Options at St. John's
If you and or a member of your family is a member of St. John's, you have an option if you do not already have a burial plot or another site for interment of ashes. Members of St. John's and their immediate family are entitled to purchase niches within the St. John's columbarium for the cremated remains of the departed. The quiet and stately design of our columbarium invites solitary contemplation as well as the gathering of families and friends for prayer and remembrance in the original church cemetery on Cedar Lane in historic City Point.
Selecting and establishing a permanent memorial for a family member or loved one not only satisfies an immediate need; it also fulfills the need to preserve our heritage. Memorials are stepping stone to the past and the future. They help us to remember, and to be remembered. The purchase of a niche offers families the benefit of making arrangements without the pressure of time.
Each niche is 12" X 12" and can hold up to two urns. The niche will have a granite plaque inscribed with the name and date of birth and death. St. John's will maintain a fund to ensure the columbarium's perpetual care.
Another option is for your ashes to be spread in our memorial garden located between the church and the parish hall. The garden includes seasonal plants which come to life in all seasons. A memorial plaque holds the names of those who are interred in the garden with Name and dates of birth and death.
For more information please click on the PDF button for more information.