Music is an essential part of worship here at St. John’s, and the choir is an integral part of making our worship vibrant at the 10:30 am service. Our job is to enhance worship; we do that by supporting congregational singing, and by preparing special music which we present to the congregation during the offering time each Sunday. Our offertory anthems are chosen to reflect the Scripture appointed for the day, and represent a wide variety of styles and eras of music. We aim for excellence in what we do as well as a joy in doing it, which we hope comes through to those listening to us on Sunday mornings. Our current adult choir consists of up to 20 members.
Special Music is planned for some of our Major Feasts, such as Christmas Eve and Easter.
If God has given you a gift for music, prayerfully consider whether you are called to join this core group of adults who join in leading worship every Sunday. We rehearse on Sundays for an hour and a half before worship during the fall, winter, and spring months.