Hello to all!
I am so pleased that you found our website. If you are exploring places of worship for you and your family, I invite you to become part of our family here at St. John’s. I hope you will discover St. John’s is a Christ-centered Sacramental Community witnessing God’s love for all people through worship, education, stewardship, outreach, and pastoral care. We follow all Episcopal Prayer Book services, including Morning and Evening Prayer for special services and when I (the Rector) may be away.
We, like all folks around the world, were hit hard by this Corona-virus virtually suspending all church activities, including worship in person since March 16th, 2020.
I am pleased to report that we are now meeting in the church. While we encourage those who are not vaccinated to continue to wear a mask and social distance for their health and the health of others. Those who are vaccinated may This includes both 8 am and 10:30 am services.
The Episcopal Church is an incarnational Church where Christ is found in each one of us, so gathering together in close proximity with one another is important to us. However, what is most important to us it that we all stay well. So with the guided and inspired wisdom of our Bishop we will be re-gathering in this way until further notice. Please know that we continue to be in contact with all of our parishioners and friends through virtual means, ie. Facebook, YouTube, e-mail, and telephone, as well as through our prayers. Follow us on Facebook and ask to join us on our group page after answering a few simple questions. Services can be seen on YouTube and Facebook on Sundays at 10:30 AM.
You are important to us and we look forward to having the opportunity to meet you. Please join us at one of our worship services or at any of the activities on our calendar when the time is appropriate. I know you will find a warm and welcoming congregation that is eager to have you call St. John’s your church home. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call or email us.
May God bless you, make his face shine upon you and give you peace this day and always.
Bill Taylor Rector